Remote Monitoring | MC Remote360 | bt365体育娱乐-bt365体育娱乐

Remote Monitoring

Put your machines to work.

Remote Monitoring for 激光 and 电火花s


No matter how reliable a machine is, problems can occur. 远程监控技术可以通过预测维护需求以及提供数据来帮助诊断和解决问题,从而防止代价高昂的停机时间. 甚至更好的, all of this can be monitored remotely, complete with alerts that notify off-site personnel of urgent issues.

bt365体育娱乐于2014年推出基于云的remote360机器监控系统, 这是对工业物联网的一次尝试,对bt365体育娱乐的激光来说是无价的, wire 电火花 and sinker 电火花 customers.

Manufacturing is more data-driven than many realize. 识别影响性能的问题的唯一可靠方法是通过数据分析, which can reveal ways to:

  • Maximize capacity and uptime

  • Prioritize opportunities

  • Test assumptions

  • 发现浪费

  • Guide continuous improvement processes


基于web的remote360应用程序提供对数据的实时访问,包括运行, stop and idle time. Along with production performance graphing, system alerts provide notifications of problems or extended idle time.

REMOTE360® 好处

Remote360 is always free for the Warranty period of new equipment.

激光该系统跟踪从材料、电力到气体消耗的所有信息,直至部件级别. Additional performance indicators on laser machines include laser gas status, 功率输出, active feed rate, current rapid overrides and cutting feed overrides.

钢丝线切割机: remote360可以最大限度地提高吞吐量,使机器以最高效率运行. 仪表板显示的数据包括剩余的线路数量和当前的作业状态, along with graphs depicting productivity and material consumption.

伸卡球线切割机: remote360监控刻录进度和稳定性以及跟踪消耗品的使用情况. 控制器显示程序周期内当前正在处理的部分.




当需要时,bt365体育娱乐服务技术人员可以很容易地远程访问机器, allowing for fast and convenient diagnosis of machine issues.

每月现场报告提供运行时间、停止时间、空闲时间等数据. 最常见的报警事件可以帮助操作人员和管理人员更好地了解可以改进的地方.

REMOTE360® 激光


  • Rapid and Cutfeed Overrides

  • Active Feed Rate

  • Assist Gas Set vs. 输出压力

  • 功率输出

  • 激光 Gas Status


REMOTE360® 用于线切割


  • 线剩余
  • Program Completion Monitor

  • 线断裂 & 插入监视器

  • 工作电压

  • 水的质量


REMOTE360® 对于下沉edm


  • Distance of Depth
  • 稳定

  • 安培数输出

  • Current Program Sequence

  • 当前E-Pack


  • “他们可以诊断问题并解决一些问题,只需要点击一下按钮和打个电话. 最好的部分是bt365体育娱乐的员工是主动的,而不是被动的. They help us to minimize our downtime by looking out for us."

    瑞安Schlarb, Production Manager at Ranger HVAC 了解更多
  • "I’ve been blown away how bt365体育娱乐 handles service. 他们的服务超出预期,他们的服务文化在竞争中遥遥领先. The few times we’ve had issues, the 服务 Department was very knowledgeable about the equipment, bt365体育娱乐能够通过电话立即解决问题."

    Freeman “Fritz” Schlabach, Founder at Rock Run Industries 了解更多
  • “对bt365体育娱乐来说,remote360可以跟踪电线的使用情况、断线情况、作业长度等. bt365体育娱乐可以回到应用程序库中查找特定的工作,并在手机上监控机器. bt365体育娱乐不需要在周末跑三次来监督一项重要的工作. Remote360 has saved us numerous times. "

    Keith Dombrowski, 电火花 Supervisor, Dies Plus, a division of OTTO Engineering 了解更多